I intend to enjoy it to the fullest. This very well could be my last opportunity to enjoy SXSW forever- if I move from Austin due to the divorce ruling, I won't be coming back- so this is it. I am going to live in the moment and go balls to the wall. I have spent the better part of the day researching movies that are premiering, bands that are playing, and interactive panels I want to sit in on. I have laid out my wardrobe. I have dyed and cut my hair to perfection. I am not going to let anyone or anything stop me form having the time of my life for the 10 days that are SXSW. Rob Zombie is gonna be here this year.......you guys know how much I LOVE Rob Zombie. (have his children kind of love) I have posted this pic before on my old blog but it is worth repeating!
I will try my best to keep everyone posted on any art, films, and music I see that is worth checking out! I don't intend to sleep much. there is plenty of time to sleep when I am dead, right?