I, Lainie Nicole Lamb, set forth the following intentions:
I will have prosperity and abundance. Financially, be able to pay my bills and have some money left over to be able to do things that enrich my life experience. I will also have an abundance of friendship and love, camaraderie and fun.
I will have stability and security. Peace of mind. I can take care of myself. My career, my home, my life as a whole is stable and I can sleep soundly at night. My life is lived by my own terms.
I am creative. I have an abundance of ideas. I am open minded to all of my possibilities.
I give love. I receive love. I have a solid foundation of friends and "family". I am in a loving mutually rewarding relationship that enriches my life and brings me joy. My home and my heart is filled with warmth, joy, affection, love, laughter.